State Commissioner for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
to the website of the State Commissioner for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities!
Our state is home to some 4 million people - around 800,000 of whom have one or more disabilities, more than half of which are classified as severe. On 3 December 2021, Minister-President Michael Kretschmer appointed me State Inclusion Commissioner to protect the needs of these people, to encourage their participation in the community and to assist with implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
My work revolves around the human-rights aspects of that UN Convention and the state objective of the Saxon constitution to work on ensuring equal living conditions for persons with disabilities in Saxony.
The main focus areas include increasing participation, further developing digital accessibility, bolstering the labour budget and advancing target agreements. My role also involves championing comprehensive accessibility everywhere, at all times.
I thank you for your advice and suggestions.
Michael Welsch, State Inclusion Commissioner
State Commissioner
Michael Welsch
Visiting address:Archivstraße 1
01097 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 564-10715
Telefax: +49 351 564-10999
E-mail: State Inclusion Commissioner
Office Management
Office Management/Policy Matters
Martina Petry
Phone: +49 351 564-10715
Telefax: +49 351 564-10999
E-mail: State Inclusion Commissioner
Press and Public Relations/Citizen Affairs
Miroslawa Müller
Phone: +49 351 564-10711
Telefax: +49 351 564-10999
E-mail: State Inclusion Commissioner